Foot Detox
A Detox foot bath is designed and developed to restore the body’s balance and energy levels through exposure to an ion field. We here at Dixon Chiropractic use the EB-Pro™ Ion Therapy Systems which are only the direct current units to ensure no unwanted power transients or static sounds are passed to the body.
Systems Benefits
Average treatment time 18-23 minutes.
Often feel more energy and a greater feeling of well-being.
Can provide immediate relief to pain, edema, gout, headaches, and swollen joints.
Relief and benefits from multiple treatments for patients with arthritis, allergies, lymph edema and neuralgia.
Manufactured to ISO standards at Erchonia Medical in McKinney, Texas.
Understanding The Technology
Array Technology
The Array (the detachable applied part) is the methodology used to create the therapeutic ion field. The arrays are designed to only function in water and function in both positive and negative energy mode. The water molecules that pass through the array are split causing the ionic field.
The ions are created in two ways. First as the direct current is passed thru the water via the three metals, the hydrogen and oxygen will separate creating ions. Secondly the softer metals will electronically erode causing further ionization. The ion field can be either primarily positive or negative depending upon the electrical polarity going to the array. The reaction can be enhanced with the use of a catalyst such as salt etc…
As a person is brought near the array the only thing that they are exposed to is a low intensity ion field. This only occurs in the water and will not happen if removed from the water.