Decoding Blood Sugars Secrets!
Ever wondered why certain dishes make your energy crash while others sustain you throughout the day? That’s where the Glycemic Index (GI) comes in.
Discover the Core Truth about Diabetes: A Must-Read for Everyone
Brandon and his family joined the 7 Systems Plan because he had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at age 16. His hemoglobin A1c was 9.6, and the options were to begin medication, which he would most likely need for life, or get rid of the illness.
Do You Have Sticky Arteries?
If you have hypertension, work to reverse this condition and get your arteries healthy again. Many who have followed the 7 Systems Plan have had their doctor take them off blood pressure medications.
7 Signs Your Delivery System is Working Against You
No matter how nutritious your food is, you won’t get any benefit if the nutrients never get where they need to go.
5R Gastrointestinal (GI) Restoration Program
Restoring GI health can be possible with a targeted program focused on nutritional support, healthy eating, exercise, and stress reduction.
7 Common Causes of Constipation & the Cure
Constipation is never normal. If you’re experiencing it daily, it’s a clear sign that something is off in your gut.
What Your Stool is Telling You
What does a healthy stool look like? When should you be concerned about irregular or discolored bowel movements? And most importantly, how can you support your Digestive System to eliminate waste effortlessly?
Top 10 Fermented Products: A Flavorful Journey to Health and Mental Wellness
The Digestive System and the brain are intricately connected. Although this is fascinating information, you will not experience transformation unless you know how to optimize this knowledge.
Why You Need Prebiotics and Probiotics
Just as you need food for energy and nourishment, good bacteria need food for energy to fight off harmful bacteria in your gut.
Do You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Gastrointestinal function extends beyond digestion and nutrient absorption. The gut is home to a diverse microbiome. Dysbiosis occurs when this microbiome becomes imbalanced, resulting in inflammation.
10 Strategies to Boost Your Stomach Acid
Lack of stomach acid can also make you more susceptible to food poisoning since your body cannot sterilize food well. Some people get sick after eating the same dish as a family member due to differences in stomach acid production.
Chew Your Food
Do this test: count the number of times you chew your food. If you chew less than 20 times, reading this article may significantly improve your health and help you lose weight.
You Are Not What You Eat
I am sure you have heard people say this phrase, “you are what you eat”. A more accurate way to say this is, “you are what you eat, digest, absorb, and eliminate”.
Put Your Second Brain to Work — the Right Way
“Ever ‘gone with your gut’ to make a decision or felt ‘butterflies in your stomach’ when nervous? You’re likely getting signals from an unexpected source: your second brain.”
Do you have Angry Fat Cells?
You don’t want angry fat. These fat cells sabotage your health, drain your energy, increase harmful hormones, make you hungry and tired, and add unwanted weight. It’s a vicious cycle.
How to Eliminate Junk Food Cravings for Good
Emotional eating and food addiction are very real problems. If you find yourself reaching for comfort foods on a regular basis, it can lead to significant problems, both physically and psychologically.
A Crucial Part of Your Structural System
Do you remember what builds strong bones and muscles? Lots of things, of course, but the ones you probably hear about most are calcium, vitamin D, and . . . collagen.
7 Ways to Naturally Support Joint Health
Inactivity can decrease freedom of movement and worsen conditions such as arthritis, a pressing concern. Any low-impact movement you enjoy will benefit your joints.
Is Restricting the Hours You Eat Actually Good for You?
Getting your body metabolically adapted can take months, but it is well worth the effort. FMDs are a great tool to make this happen.
The 7 Worst Weight Loss Foods and Healthy Alternatives
It is alarming today that Americans’ principal source of vegetables are French fries. On average, Americans consume 30 pounds of French fries per year, and someone else is eating my 30 pounds!